The Barn Owls on the camera below are on the High Plains Environmental Center’s (HPEC) property in  Loveland, Colorado.    

We have been monitoring Barn Owls at this location since 2015.

The Owlets are a few weeks from fledging.

Watch live below!

The two images images with the blue ladders, show the difference between the original box (that was too small) and the one that is in place now. Since the larger box has been in place, the adult owls have raised many more owlets.

**We would like to thank The High Plains environmental Center and  Rise Broadband for their assistance with making this owl video possible. Without there generous donations, this video would not be possible.  Thank You all very much!

*****This camera is powered by solar panels and a battery. At times this system goes down for a variety of reasons including cloudy days and power outages. The camera is often fixed up and running within a few days.

*We would like to thank Mark and Denise Bretting for paying for fixing the solar panels this year!

The camera on the left is the image inside the box and the camera on the right is the view inside the Barn that the box is attached too.

*When the time comes to band the owlets in this box, we will be offering a seminar about the owls. Stay tuned for further information.